Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sugar Princess!!!

Name: Sugar Princess
Author: Hisaya Nakajo
Genre: Romance, Sport (Figure Skating)
Status: Ongoing( i think)
Summary:Her first time ice skating, Maya unknowingly makes a big impression on a mysterious man. She may end up with a chance to figure skate professionally, not to mention get closer to the cold figure skater, Shun.

The art is not the best but its the cutest story ever!

Name: Black Bird
Author: Kanoko Sakurakoji
Genre: Romantic Comedy, and Supernatural
Status: Completed (maybe?)
Summary: Misao sees things that other people can't. Normally, the monsters would do harmless things. But suddenly, on her sixteenth birthday, the creatures she sees take it farther by trying to kill her. She's saved by a childhood friend from her past, Kyo Usui, who just so happens to be a demon as well. She finds out that she is the rare, "Bride of Prophecy", also known as "The Senka" or "The Holy Fruit", and depends on Kyo for protection from those who wish to eat her for her blood, which gives the consumer incredible power

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